Pyotr Pavlensky sentenced to 16 months and set free

The Russian performance artist was convicted for setting fire to car tires on Saint Petersburg’s Tripartite Bridge during a pro-Ukraine performance, titled Freedom, in February 2014. A Moscow court found Pavlensky guilty of vandalism and sentenced him to sixteen months in prison on May 29th.
The artist will not have to serve the time because the statue of limitations on the crime has expired. However, he remains in custody for a second case in which he is being tried for burning the doors of a former KGB building in November 2015.
update: On June 8, a Moscow court found Pavlensky guilty of damaging a cultural site and ordered him to pay 481.000 rubles (7.750 $) to compensate the cost of repairs to the former KGB building. After seven months in prison the court set him free.

Source: abc news, artforum, update: Moscow Times

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