Category Archives: Publication

Performance as a Human Right

With new expectations for media, culture, and presence in a hyperconnected world, the civic stakes of the performing arts are shifting. In a series of convenings, futureStage, an international, interdisciplinary team of scholars and experts at MetaLab (Harvard University) have compared and analyzed best practices and key ideas across a variety of areas.
Published October 2021, MetaLab’s futureStage Manifesto offers a condensed vision of performance as a human right, intimately entangled with all the stages on which contemporary life is performed, and offering global society new skills, sensibilities, and points of view. (Manifesto)

German Translation at

UN Faith for Rights Network

Since 2012, the United Nations has taken an interdisciplinary approach to reflection and action on the profound links between religions and human rights through the Faith for Rights Network. 18 commitments were articulated in the 2017 Beirut Declaration to strengthen the universal right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion, and belief under international law. The most recent publication is the #Faith4Rights toolkit, which builds on a wealth of similar tools from several UN agencies. It also describes artistic expressions as learning tools for democracy and human rights and provides links to relevant resources.

Sources: The 18 commitments on “Faith for Rights” (PDF) are available in several languages.