The Wagner opera “Tannhauser”, which was updated for a contemporary audience by director Timofei Kulyabin, was premiered in December 2014. The Novosibirsk Orthodox Diocese has called on the Federal Security Service, Prosecutor General and Investigative Committee to conduct an objective investigation into the activities of anyone connected with the “Tannhauser” production. End of March, Boris Mezdrich, the director of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater has been fired by Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky. The minister appointed the director general of St. Petersburg’s Mikhailovsky Theatrer, Vladimir Kekhman, as the new director.
Many theaters from across the nation have sent their letters to Novosibirsk law enforcement agencies and officials, voicing support for the production. The independent Teatr.doc, raided by police in December last year (and luckily celebrating a house warming party at their new address at Razgulyay Sqare in February) organized a solidarity action for “Freedom of creativity” on April 5th in Moscow.
Sources: The Moscow Times, Russia Beyond the Headlines