International artists protest against the arrest of Kirill Serebrennikov

“We protest against the arrest of Kirill Serebrennikov. The charges against him are untenable and indicative of the fact that the intention is to silence an internationally renowned director.” Director Thomas Ostermeier and playwright Marius von Mayenburg (Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz, Berlin) have started a petition on to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel, President Vladimir Putin and the Russian Prosecution Service. Serebrennikov has been arrested on 22nd of August. The petition has already more than 3.500 supporters. See also entry from June 27.

Petition on (German and English)
Serebrennikov’s facebook page
Voices from Russian artists: Ivan Vyrypaev, Lyudmila Ulitzkaya, Teodor Kurentsis

Sources: The Guradian, Tagesschau

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