Tel Aviv: Alfa Theatre Threatened

Avraham Oz, Professor Emeritus from the University of Haifa and resident director of the Alfa Theatre Tel Aviv (Israel), has received a letter which accuses the theatre as supporter of terrorists. The letter threatens the group with “immense fines”, “loss of official state recognition” and warned “that you may be charged by a criminal charge insofar as inciting speeches will occur”.

The theatre has scheduled an event under the title “Children in Chains: Detention of Minors on the West Bank and East Jerusalem”, organized by the “Betselem” organization and the “Parents Against Child Detention” for November 20th, the international Children Rights Day. The sender is an organization which sends frequently complaints to the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Finance. Those complaints were and are used to justify measures against cultural institutions in Israel (see post on Cultural Loyalty Bill). The letter also counts several cases of former repression against theatres.

The Alfa Theatre is a fringe theatre with professional Jewish and Arab actors, working in both languages. Despite the attempts at intimidation, the theatre stands by its programme.

original letter (Hebrew), English Translation

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